Pavers Etc

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Building Materials & Supplies, Construction Supplies & Services, Paving Materials

Latitude:34.046185 Longitude:-118.280674
1914 W Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90006
Pavers Etc is a leading provider of pavers and adjustable pedestal systems for various applications. They offer a wide range of products including porcelain pavers, wood deck tiles, cool-roof pavers, concrete pavers, and more. Their porcelain pavers are a lightweight and thin alternative to traditional concrete pavers, making them ideal for elevated roof decking applications. The cool-roof pavers provide high reflectance and emissive values, making them perfect for green roof concepts and LEED points. Pavers Etc also offers wood deck tiles that are designed for constructing raised wood decks. Their adjustable pedestal systems allow for level installation of porcelain pavers, concrete pavers, or wood deck tiles on built-up roofs. Their products are suitable for both commercial and residential applications and can be installed on rooftops, pool decks, patios, and more. Pavers Etc is dedicated to providing high-quality and innovative solutions for any outdoor space. Contact them today for a quote or to request samples.