Fundamentalist Baptist Tabernacle

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Religious Services & Organizations, Churches Baptist Independent Fundamentalist, Churches Baptist

Latitude:34.038873 Longitude:-118.266578
1329 S Hope St
Los Angeles, CA 90015
Fundamentalist Baptist Tabernacle is a local business that operates as a church and provides religious services to its members. Led by Dr. R. L. Hymers, Jr., the church aims to spread its message of faith and salvation through sermons, counseling, and publications. With a focus on fundamentalist Baptist beliefs, the church emphasizes the importance of Biblical inerrancy, inner-city evangelism, and a Reformed position on conversion. The church offers sermon manuscripts, videos, and books for pastors and missionaries worldwide, catering to a diverse range of languages including English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, and more. The website provides resources on various topics, including Christmas sermons, prophecy and judgment, evangelism, and the dangers of modern apostasy. Overall, Fundamentalist Baptist Tabernacle serves as a religious community for those seeking a strong adherence to traditional Baptist teachings and a desire to spread the word of God.