American Career College

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Schools Academies Colleges & Universities, Schools Universities & Colleges Academic, Schools - Public & Academic

Latitude:34.079336 Longitude:-118.292488
4021 Rosewood Ave Ste 301
Los Angeles, CA 90004
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Curriculum - Health Care & Medicine
Surgical Technology
Vocational Nursing
Pharmacy Technician
Massage Therapy
Medical Assisting
American Career College is a local business located in [Your Business Address]. They offer a variety of career-focused programs and educational opportunities to help individuals kickstart or advance their careers. Their programs are designed to provide the necessary skills and knowledge needed to succeed in various industries. American Career College's services cater to a wide range of students, including recent high school graduates, adult learners, and individuals looking to switch careers. They provide hands-on training, experienced instructors, and modern facilities to ensure a quality learning experience. Whether you're interested in the healthcare field, business administration, or technology, American Career College has a program for you. They offer flexible schedules to accommodate busy lifestyles and have financial aid options available for those who qualify. Contact American Career College today to learn more about their programs and take the first step towards a successful career. Visit their website, [Your Business Website], for additional information and to explore available programs.