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Latitude:34.060353 Longitude:-118.206345
2011 Zonal Ave
Los Angeles, CA
University of Southern California (USC) is a renowned private research university located in Los Angeles, California. With its constellation of schools, centers, and institutes, USC offers a range of academic programs across various disciplines. The university is committed to advancing education, serving the public good, and making a global impact. USC prides itself on its exceptional faculty, cutting-edge research, and a diverse student body. As a leading institution in Southern California, USC is deeply connected to the local community and actively contributes to the region's development. The university also emphasizes global engagement, providing students with international perspectives and opportunities to become global leaders. USC is known for its vibrant campus life, offering numerous clubs, organizations, and activities for students to engage in. With its dedication to research, innovation, and community impact, USC is a top choice for students seeking a world-class education.