St Jerome School

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Schools Academic Secondary & Elementary, Schools - Public & Academic

Latitude:33.973548 Longitude:-118.378152
5570 Thornburn St
Los Angeles, CA 90045
St. Jerome School is a private Catholic elementary school located in Los Angeles, CA. With a mission to create a strong faith community and teach children the Doctrine and traditions of the Catholic faith, St. Jerome School offers an integrated, standards-based curriculum for students in pre-K to 8th grade. The school is guided by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet and focuses on nurturing students' cognitive, social, emotional, and spiritual development. In addition to academic excellence, St. Jerome School emphasizes the development of Christian leaders who will make a positive impact in their families, local communities, and the world. The school offers various programs and services, including extended care, athletics, and fundraising opportunities. Open enrollment for the upcoming school year is now available, and the school also accepts applications for mid-year transfers. St. Jerome School is dedicated to providing a safe and nurturing environment where students can learn, serve, lead, and succeed.