Shambhala Meditation Center

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Schools - Training & Vocational, Meditation Services

Latitude:34.138846 Longitude:-118.186963
963 Colorado Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90041
Shambhala Meditation Center of Los Angeles is a local meditation center located in North Hollywood, California. They offer both online and in-person meditation groups and classes for individuals seeking to incorporate mindfulness and meditation into their lives. Their online meditation groups meet regularly via Zoom, providing guided meditation sessions and opportunities for individuals to connect with others in the meditation community. In-person meditation groups take place in Burbank and Santa Monica, following CDC guidelines to ensure the health and safety of their participants. The center also offers various programs and events, including healing circles, contemplative creativity labs, and young meditators groups. They welcome beginners and experienced practitioners alike, providing a supportive and welcoming environment for individuals to explore meditation and its benefits. To stay updated on their offerings, visitors can sign up for their mailing list. Shambhala Meditation Center of Los Angeles is part of the global Shambhala community, dedicated to bringing kindness, insight, and sacredness into society through mindfulness and compassion.