Peace Four Kids

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Foster Care Services, Public & Social Services

Latitude:33.924434 Longitude:-118.251088
1339 E 120th St
Los Angeles, CA 90059
Peace4Kids is a grassroots non-profit organization that supports youth in foster care in South Los Angeles. For over 25 years, Peace4Kids has provided a safe and nurturing community where children and young adults can thrive and form lasting connections. Their programs focus on providing consistency, stability, and trust to individuals of all ages who have experienced the disruptions of foster care. Through their "Community as Family" approach, Peace4Kids guides youth to discover that they are not alone, and helps them develop the confidence to own their stories and determine how those stories impact their lives. They offer youth and alumni programs such as nature expeditions, leadership development, mindfulness workshops, and professional networking. Peace4Kids also collaborates with other organizations to advance a culture of inclusion and positive change for youth in foster care. With the support of generous volunteers and donors, Peace4Kids continues to make a difference in the lives of vulnerable youth in South Los Angeles.