Le Lycee Francais De Los Angeles

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Schools Academic Secondary & Elementary, Schools - Public & Academic

Latitude:34.027559 Longitude:-118.415589
3261 Overland Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90034
Le Lycée Français de Los Angeles is an international private school located in West Los Angeles that offers education in both English and French curriculums. With a history dating back several decades, Le Lycée has a strong reputation as a leading international school in the Los Angeles area. The school places a strong emphasis on character education and student learning outcomes, aiming to foster ethical, global citizens who excel academically and personally. Le Lycée offers academic programs from preschool to 12th grade, including diplomas and certificates. The school also has a strong athletics program, promoting competitive and respectful athletes. Le Lycée is known for its diverse community, with students and faculty representing over 56 nationalities. Tuition assistance is available for qualified students, and the school offers various afterschool activities and clubs. Le Lycée Francais de Los Angeles is currently accepting applications for the upcoming school year.