Kipp Philosopher Academy

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Schools Public, Schools - Public & Academic

Latitude:33.963489 Longitude:-118.256072
8300 S Central Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90001
KIPP Philosophers Academy is a tuition-free public school in South Los Angeles, serving students in grades 5-8. The academy offers a transformative educational environment that focuses on rigorous academic instruction, character development, and arts-based learning experiences. The school follows core values of love, curiosity, integrity, and courage to create a positive and supportive atmosphere for students. KIPP Philosophers Academy also provides a comprehensive after-school program that includes a range of activities and extracurricular opportunities to foster creativity, critical thinking, and personal growth. The school is led by Libby Gronquist, who is committed to the success and well-being of the students. KIPP Philosophers Academy celebrates 10 years of leading with love and strives to provide a choice-filled life and liberation for its students.