Foundation For Early Childhood Education Inc

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Schools, Schools - Public & Academic

Latitude:34.031168 Longitude:-118.214809
2630 E 7th St
Los Angeles, CA 90023
Foundation for Early Childhood Education, Inc. is a non-profit organization in Pasadena, CA that provides child care services to low-income families. They offer a comprehensive early childhood education and nutrition program, including Head Start, State Preschool, and Early Head Start services. Their mission is to promote the growth and development of children, families, and staff by fostering self-esteem, self-sufficiency, and empowerment. With a dedicated team and a focus on respect and understanding of all individuals and their cultural backgrounds, Foundation for Early Childhood Education, Inc. aims to create a nurturing environment for children to thrive. Their services include administration, disabilities services, education, family services, mental health services, nutrition services, and parent involvement. They also offer a creative curriculum that covers various areas such as art, blocks, computers, cooking, discovery, dramatic play, library, music and movement, outdoors, sand and water, toys and games. For enrollment or more information, visit their website or contact them via phone or email. Foundation for Early Childhood Education, Inc. is dedicated to providing quality early childhood education and support services to the community.