Fabric Empire

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Fabric Shops, Sewing Supplies & Services

Latitude:34.037097 Longitude:-118.243309
729 Kohler St
Los Angeles, CA 90021
Fabric Empire is a Los Angeles based fabric store that offers a wide selection of fabrics for both households and businesses. With over 30 years in the industry, they are trusted to provide high-quality textiles at affordable prices. Their online fabric store makes their products accessible to everyone, offering a convenient shopping experience. Fabric Empire has fabrics for upholstery, drapery, decor, and more. They have a diverse range of fabrics including burlap, chenille, chiffon, cotton, faux fur, felt, linen, minky, satin, sequin, spandex, suede, taffeta, velvet, vinyl, and many others. Their goal is to combine sophistication and affordability to bring their customers the best designs and themes in the market. Fabric Empire also offers upholstery foam and other accessories. With excellent customer feedback and a focus on customer satisfaction, Fabric Empire is a go-to destination for all fabric needs.