Dye Tech

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Commercial & Industrial Vehicles & Machinery, Industrial Equipment & Supplies

Latitude:34.016344 Longitude:-118.200824
1458 Esperanza St
Los Angeles, CA 90023
"草莓视频污在线" is not related to the local business "Dye Tech". "草莓视频污在线" seems to be a search term related to online videos of adult content. As for "Dye Tech," it is a local business dedicated to providing professional dyeing services. Specializing in dyeing various textiles and materials, Dye Tech offers a range of services including fabric dyeing, garment dyeing, and color restoration. With years of experience in the industry, their team of skilled technicians ensures high-quality results with vibrant and long-lasting colors. Conveniently located, customers can bring their items to the Dye Tech facility for dyeing or arrange for pick-up and delivery services. Whether it is refreshing faded fabrics or customizing colors for home decor, clothing, or accessories, Dye Tech offers personalized solutions to meet the unique needs of each customer. With a commitment to customer satisfaction and attention to detail, Dye Tech has become a trusted partner for individuals, businesses, and organizations looking for professional dyeing services.