


Religious Organizations, Religious Services & Organizations

Latitude:34.056244 Longitude:-118.275994
2033 W 7th St
Los Angeles, CA 90057
InnerCHANGE is a Christian missionary organization that focuses on cultivating followers of Jesus at the margins of society. They are dedicated to living among and serving some of the world's most marginalized and disenfranchised people. As an order, InnerCHANGE embraces common rhythms, commitments, and values to foster a community of Jesus followers. Their mission is to develop local leaders and disciples of Jesus who embody transformative contemplation, merciful action, and prophetic justice. Inspired by Scripture, InnerCHANGE seeks to fulfill the command to "do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God." They invite individuals to join their journey, fostering relationships with neighbors and reflecting on the Bible together. InnerCHANGE is committed to spreading the gospel and sharing their lives with others, following the example of the apostle Paul. Subscribe to their monthly newsletter to stay updated on their work.