L. A. Chinatown Business Counc

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Organizations & Associations, Non Profit Organizations

Latitude:34.061301 Longitude:-118.239334
727 N Broadway
Los Angeles, CA 90012
The L.A. Chinatown Business Council is a vibrant and bustling commercial district located in the heart of Los Angeles. Known for its colorful urban setting, Chinatown offers a diverse range of dining, shopping, and cultural experiences. From authentic Chinese cuisine to unique shops offering traditional crafts and gifts, there is something for everyone to explore and enjoy. The district comes alive during special events like Chinese New Year and the Moon Festival, which showcase the rich cultural heritage of Chinatown. With a multitude of businesses open daily between 10am-6pm, visitors can immerse themselves in the sights, sounds, and flavors of this thriving community. Whether you're looking to try new foods, find unique souvenirs, or simply soak in the vibrant atmosphere, a visit to L.A. Chinatown is a rewarding adventure. Stay up-to-date with the latest news and events by subscribing to their newsletter and following them on social media.