Foundation For Early Childhood Education

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Schools - Public & Academic, Schools Academic Preschool & Kindergarten

Latitude:34.037971 Longitude:-118.296805
1925 S Budlong Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90007
Foundation for Early Childhood Education, Inc. is a non-profit organization located in Pasadena, CA that provides child care services to low-income families. They offer quality education and nutrition programs through their Head Start, State Preschool, and Early Head Start divisions. As a human service organization, their mission is to promote the growth and development of children, families, and staff. They strive to foster self-esteem, self-sufficiency, and empowerment while creating an inclusive environment that respects and understands diverse cultural backgrounds. With a history dating back to 1965, Foundation for Early Childhood Education, Inc. has extensive experience in teaching and nurturing young children. They work closely with the Los Angeles County Office of Education Head Start/State Preschool Division, the California Department of Education, and the Office of Child Development to ensure the best possible resources and programs for the children in their care. Contact Foundation for Early Childhood Education, Inc. by phone at (626) 572-5107 or via email at for more information.