Foundation For Early Childhood Education

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Schools - Public & Academic, Schools Academic Preschool & Kindergarten

Latitude:34.103625 Longitude:-118.322948
6128 Yucca St
Los Angeles, CA 90028
Foundation for Early Childhood Education, Inc. is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing high-quality child care services to low-income families. They offer a range of programs including Head Start, State Preschool, and Early Head Start. Their mission is to promote the growth and development of children, families, and staff by fostering self-esteem, self-sufficiency, and empowerment. Foundation for Early Childhood Education, Inc. has a rich history dating back to 1965 and is funded by the Los Angeles County Office of Education, as well as the California Department of Education. They provide a comprehensive curriculum, which includes creative activities such as art, blocks, dramatic play, library, and music & movement. They also focus on outdoor play, sand & water activities, and toy & game exploration. In addition to education, they offer services in disabilities, family support, mental health, and nutrition. Parents are encouraged to get involved through various resources and a policy committee. Located in Pasadena, California, Foundation for Early Childhood Education, Inc. can be contacted for enrollment information or any inquiries.