Immaculate Conception School

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Schools Academic Secondary & Elementary, Schools - Public & Academic

Latitude:34.051092 Longitude:-118.271275
830 Green Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Immaculate Conception School is a Catholic elementary school located in Los Angeles, California. With a history spanning over nine decades, this school has been providing a safe and nurturing environment where children can thrive and learn. They offer a curriculum that focuses on spiritual formation and student learning expectations. Immaculate Conception School welcomes families who desire a nurturing Catholic environment for their children's education. In addition to academic excellence, the school also offers enrichment activities such as art, sports, and music programs to help students discover and develop their talents. Financial aid and scholarship programs are available to support families in accessing education. Immaculate Conception School is proud to celebrate its 100-year anniversary, and it continues to serve the downtown Los Angeles community with love and commitment to education. Contact them today to schedule a tour and learn more about the opportunities they offer.