Eagle Rock Montessori School

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Schools - Public & Academic, Schools Academic Preschool & Kindergarten

Latitude:34.13978 Longitude:-118.195982
1443 Colorado Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90041
Eagle Rock Montessori School is a local educational institution that provides quality Montessori education to children in the Eagle Rock area. With a dedicated and experienced team of educators, the school focuses on nurturing the intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development of each child. As an inclusive and supportive learning community, Eagle Rock Montessori School offers a wide range of programs for children aged 2 to 6 years old. From toddler programs to preschool and kindergarten, the school follows the Montessori philosophy, encouraging hands-on learning, independence, and individualized instruction. The curriculum is designed to foster a love for learning, critical thinking skills, and the development of essential life skills. With a safe and nurturing environment, state-of-the-art facilities, and a low student-to-teacher ratio, parents can trust Eagle Rock Montessori School to provide their children with a strong foundation for academic success and personal growth. To learn more about this esteemed institution or to enroll your child, visit the official website today at www.eaglerockmontessorischool.com.