Traffic Ticket Center

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Planners City Regional Etc, Engineers, Traffic & Parking Consultants

Latitude:25.85536 Longitude:-80.306679
3770 W 12Th Ave
Hialeah, FL 33012
Traffic Ticket Center is a team of ticket lawyers in South Florida who specialize in fighting various types of traffic violations, including speeding tickets, red light violations, stop sign violations, reckless driving, DUIs, and more. They offer a free consultation and can handle your entire case over the phone, eliminating the need for office visits. With a 100% money-back guarantee, they promise to get no points, no conviction, and no school for your ticket. Paying a ticket can result in points on your license, a conviction on your record, and increased car insurance rates, but hiring Traffic Ticket Center can help you avoid these consequences. They have resolved numerous ticket cases in Palm Beach, Broward, and Miami-Dade counties and have received positive reviews from satisfied clients. In addition to traffic ticket cases, they also handle other legal matters such as drug possession, marijuana possession, prostitution, solicitation, and trespassing. Contact Traffic Ticket Center for professional legal representation and peace of mind.