St Odilia School

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Schools Academic Secondary & Elementary, Schools - Public & Academic

Latitude:33.994676 Longitude:-118.251944
5300 Hooper Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90011
St. Odilia School is a Catholic school located in South Los Angeles. With grades ranging from Transitional Kindergarten to 8th grade, the school offers a blended learning approach that focuses on developing the whole child academically, spiritually, and psychologically within the framework of Catholic doctrine. The school prides itself on its commitment to faith, academics, and character development. Families love St. Odilia School because of its dedication to excellence in blended learning. The safe and intimate learning environment allows students to thrive and grow. St. Odilia School has been serving the South Los Angeles community since 1950, providing education rooted in Catholic values. The school also offers extended day programs and various extracurricular activities to enhance students' experiences and interests. Enrollment for the fall of 2023 is currently open, and families are encouraged to schedule a virtual or in-person tour to experience the school firsthand. Graduates from St. Odilia School go on to attend prestigious high schools. Contact St. Odilia School via phone at 323-232-5449 or visit their website to learn more about the admissions process, curriculum, tuition, and financial aid options.