American Red Cross

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Public & Social Services

Latitude:34.060692 Longitude:-118.282772
2700 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90057
American Red Cross is a humanitarian organization that provides relief to those affected by disasters. They offer various ways to donate money, including online, monthly giving, and making major gifts. The organization also accepts other forms of donation such as stock transfers, IRA distributions, and vehicle donations. They provide training and certification courses in first aid, CPR, AED, lifeguarding, and more. American Red Cross also offers volunteer opportunities for individuals and organizations. They specialize in disaster relief, blood donation services, training and certification programs, support for military families, and international services. The organization is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion and has a rich history in nursing and healthcare. They offer a wide range of supplies and products related to training, disaster preparedness, and first aid. American Red Cross is dedicated to bringing hope and assistance to those in need, and they are currently accepting tax-deductible donations for the holiday season.