West Los Angeles United Methodist Church

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Religious Services & Organizations, Churches Methodist

Latitude:34.040842 Longitude:-118.446776
1913 Purdue Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90025
West Los Angeles United Methodist Church is a welcoming and inclusive community that invites individuals to experience God's love and grace. Located in Los Angeles, California, the church offers both English and Japanese worship services every Sunday at 9:30am and 11:00am, respectively. With a focus on dynamic relationships, spiritual intensity, missional alignment, and cultural openness, West Los Angeles United Methodist Church aims to create an environment where individuals can grow spiritually and engage in social justice and community outreach. The church also offers various ministries, including worship and music, care and fellowship, spiritual growth, and youth and children programs. Whether attending in person or online, visitors can expect a warm and friendly atmosphere that embraces diversity. To learn more about the church or plan a visit, individuals can contact them by phone or email.