The Mitzvah Store

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Bibles, Bookstores

Latitude:34.054971 Longitude:-118.394463
9400 W Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90035
The Mitzvah Store is a local business that offers a wide range of products and services related to Jewish customs and celebrations. With a user-friendly website, customers can easily browse through an extensive collection of items for various religious events, such as Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, weddings, and holidays. The store prides itself in providing quality merchandise, including traditional religious articles, gifts, ceremonial items, and custom-made invitations. In addition, The Mitzvah Store offers personalized services to help clients plan and organize their special occasions, ensuring a seamless and meaningful experience. Whether you are looking for a tallit, a mezuzah, kosher wine, or elegant Judaica pieces, The Mitzvah Store has you covered. With music from Eitan Katz's Boruch Hu CD playing in the background, this store creates a pleasant atmosphere for customers to explore and find everything they need to observe Jewish traditions and rituals. Visit The Mitzvah Store's website to conveniently shop or to learn more about their products and services.