Presbyterian Church

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Religious Services & Organizations, Churches Presbyterian

Latitude:34.133648 Longitude:-118.215374
4848 Eagle Rock Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90041
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is a religious organization that is part of the larger Presbyterian denomination. The church is comprised of various agencies and departments that work towards fulfilling their mission and beliefs. These include the Board of Pensions, Office of General Assembly, Presbyterian Foundation, Presbyterian Investment and Loan Program, Presbyterian Mission Agency, and Presbyterian Publishing Corporation. The church is actively involved in advocacy, social justice, disaster response, education, worship, and mission work both domestically and internationally. They offer resources, publications, and support for congregations, ministers, and individuals seeking spiritual guidance. The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is committed to fostering community, serving others, and spreading the teachings of Jesus Christ. Contact information and various resources can be found on their website.