Natural Health Medical Center

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Insurance, Medical Groups

Latitude:34.023221 Longitude:-118.437885
11659 National Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90064
Natural Health Medical Center is a local business that provides a variety of services aimed at promoting natural health and well-being. They offer a range of alternative and holistic therapies such as acupuncture, IV therapy, nutrition counseling, and supplements. The center also incorporates Western medicine when necessary to ensure comprehensive care. Their team, led by Dr. Huy Hoang, is dedicated to providing personalized and compassionate treatment to their patients. With a philosophy of health that prioritizes prevention and natural healing, they aim to help individuals achieve optimal health and vitality. The center also offers testing services for various health conditions, including specific and general tests, as well as phase angle analysis. They have a well-stocked library and a natural health foundation to further educate and support their clients. Located at a convenient location with flexible hours, Natural Health Medical Center is committed to delivering high-quality care in a welcoming and comfortable environment. Whether you're seeking assistance for anti-aging, managing chronic conditions, or simply maintaining overall wellness, their team is ready to assist you on your natural health journey.