Milagra Floral Imports

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Latitude:34.053772 Longitude:-118.360639
1216 S Spaulding Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90019
Milagra Floral Imports is a local business located in Los Angeles, CA, specializing in the wholesale supply of beautiful flowers, greens, and supplies. With over thirty-five vendors, many of which are family-owned and operated, Milagra Floral Imports serves customers in California and beyond. As a part of the Los Angeles Flower District, Milagra Floral Imports is proud to offer the Badge Member program to the floral industry, including wholesalers, retail florists, event planners, and interior decorators. Whether you're a professional in the floral industry or simply looking to add beauty to your space, Milagra Floral Imports has you covered. They provide a wide range of wholesale items, including flowers, greens, and supplies, to help you create stunning floral arrangements. Additionally, they offer convenient floral delivery services to ensure your flowers arrive fresh and on time. With their expertise, history, and passion for flowers, Milagra Floral Imports is a hidden gem in downtown LA. Stay connected with their journey by following them on Instagram. Visit Milagra Floral Imports to discover the finest floral offerings in Los Angeles.