Health Access

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Home Health Care Services, Health Services

Latitude:34.056872 Longitude:-118.274636
1930 Wilshire Blvd Ste 1210
Los Angeles, CA 90057
Health Access is a California-based organization dedicated to fighting for quality, affordable, and equitable healthcare for all Californians. They work on a variety of issues including reform and coverage, lower costs, health equity and inclusion, and consumer protection. Health Access California is a legislative advocacy organization that works to advance comprehensive health reforms and universal healthcare in California. They also track and score legislators' votes on healthcare-related legislation. Health Access Foundation organizes community groups, conducts research, and develops healthcare policies to improve public and private healthcare systems. Their campaigns include #Health4All, which aims to achieve universal healthcare, and #Care4AllCA, which advocates for full inclusion of all Californians in healthcare regardless of immigration status. Health Access also collects and shares stories to bring urgency and detail to health policy discussions. You can stay updated with Health Access through their publications and sign up for alerts, updates, and newsletters.