Cri Help Inc Lincoln Park

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Drug Abuse & Addiction Information & Treatment, Health Services

Latitude:34.068054 Longitude:-118.20226
2010 Lincoln Park Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90031
Cri Help Inc Lincoln Park is a drug addiction and rehab center located in Los Angeles. With 48 years of experience, they offer affordable and effective treatment programs for individuals struggling with drug and alcohol addiction. CRI-Help promises to provide compassionate and competent care to help individuals on their journey to recovery. Their comprehensive treatment process includes addressing core using patterns and developing healthier life skills. They also connect clients with a supportive community of individuals with long-term sobriety. CRI-Help has a proven track record of success, with 87% of clients reporting staying clean during post-treatment follow-up. Their dedicated staff is committed to ensuring client satisfaction and assisting individuals in achieving lasting recovery. In addition to their residential and outpatient treatment options, CRI-Help also offers detox and medication-assisted treatment. They have a team of experienced professionals and state-of-the-art facilities to support individuals throughout their recovery journey. If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, CRI-Help is here to help. Contact them today to learn more about their treatment programs and start your journey towards a life of sobriety.