Carolyn Coleridge Lcw

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Therapy Groups, Health Services

Latitude:34.076375 Longitude:-118.368615
8217 Beverly Blvd Ste 22
Los Angeles, CA 90048
Carolyn Coleridge is a licensed psychotherapist, intuitive, and healer at Conscious Creations Meditation & Healing Center located at 34 Jerome Avenue in Bloomfield, CT, USA. As a skilled therapist, Carolyn offers counseling services to support individuals on their healing journey. Additionally, she specializes in intuitive healing, providing transformative sessions to help clients restore balance and harmony in their bodies and minds. With her spiritual gifts, Carolyn also offers readings to provide guidance and insights into life's challenges and opportunities. Through her Patreon account, she shares exclusive content and resources to further aid individuals in their personal growth and development. At Conscious Creations, Carolyn believes in the power of spiritual healing and works with clients to connect with their inner selves and tap into the healing energies of the universe. For more information, visit the website and join the inspirational Facebook community. To schedule an appointment, contact Carolyn via text or email.