California Cryobank, Inc.

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Health Services, Sperm Banks

Latitude:34.034708 Longitude:-118.454702
11915 La Grange Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90025
California Cryobank, Inc. is the world's largest and most experienced reproductive tissue bank. They offer a range of services to help individuals and couples start or expand their families. These services include sperm donor matching, egg donor search, newborn stem cell banking, and more. California Cryobank is known for their extensive screening process, which includes genetic testing for over 260 conditions. They also provide genetic services, DNA ancestry testing, and fertility preservation options. With locations in Los Angeles, California, and a strong online presence, California Cryobank is a trusted resource for those looking for sperm donors or other reproductive services. They offer personalized support and a user-friendly website, allowing customers to easily search for donors, access donor profiles and medical histories, and connect with others through their bulletin boards.