Board Of Rabbis

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Religious Organizations, Religious Services & Organizations

Latitude:34.064183 Longitude:-118.370135
6505 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90048
The Board of Rabbis of Southern California is an organization dedicated to promoting the growth and development of rabbis on both spiritual and professional levels. They aim to foster a sense of Klal Yisrael, or the unity of the Jewish people, among different denominations. The Board of Rabbis serves as a resource for the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles, with the goal of engaging, caring for, and ensuring the future of the Jewish community. They offer various programs and opportunities for rabbis to enhance their skills and knowledge, including professional development, healing and spirituality, funeral practices, and immersion programs. The Board of Rabbis also holds conferences, seminars, and events on topics such as high holy days, Pesach sermons, conversion, and domestic violence. They provide resources for congregational offices, seminaries, and inclusion awareness. Overall, the Board of Rabbis of Southern California plays a vital role in supporting rabbis and strengthening the Jewish community in the region.