Franklin County

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Government Services, Government County

Latitude:29.728202 Longitude:-84.986381
47 Avenue F
Apalachicola, FL 32320
Franklin County is a local government agency located in Florida, specifically in Franklin County. The agency is headed by Michele Maxwell, who serves as the Clerk of Court and Comptroller. As an elected official, Maxwell is responsible for various duties, including managing the Circuit and County Courts, serving as the Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners, and acting as the County Recorder. The agency offers a range of services to the public, including court-related services, such as civil, criminal, and traffic cases, as well as child support, marriage licenses, and property fraud alert services. Additionally, Franklin County provides access to official records through an online database, allowing individuals to search and purchase document records. The website also offers convenient online payment options for various services, such as traffic citations and child support payments. Overall, Franklin County strives to provide efficient and accessible services to the residents of Franklin County, Florida.